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How to Set Up an Edible Printer

How to Set Up an Edible Printer

If you’re new to edible printing, we’ve compiled a list of handy hints which you may find useful: 

  • Remove any packaging and orange tape from the printer, plug in and turn on the printer.
  • Lift the lid on the printer and wait until the carriage appears
  • If your printer includes our refillable cartridges, filling your ink cartridges is easy.  Simply remove the coloured plug from the top of the cartridge and syringe in the relevant edible ink. It’s important you fill the cartridge whilst in its orange holder do not attempt to fill the cartridge whilst it’s in the printer otherwise the ink will leak.  
  • Please ensure you fill the cartridges so both sides are full of ink (the sponge side and the cavity). This will ensure there is enough pressure for the cartridges to register on your printer and make the ink flow effectively. Also remember to remove the label marked PULL. 
  • Keep the orange holders for filling the ink next time. You must insert the cartridges into the holders before starting to fill them or the ink will leak. 
  • When setting up your printer ensure your paper type is set to envelope – this is the highest paper setting and allows for the easy feeding of icing sheets and wafer paper through your printer.  
  • We have templates available for the pre-cut icing sheets – if you’ve purchased any of these please contact us and we can email the templates to you.  
  • When using icing sheets we recommend you feed them with the plastic strip first.  
  • Ensure both wafer paper and icing sheets should be stored flat, sealed at temperatures between +15 degrees C and +25 degrees C 
  • Remember an edible ink printer must ONLY be used with edible ink. Using standard ink and then switching to edible ink can be harmful to health as residual ink may still be within the printer 
  • Full instructions on filling the cartridges and for additional hints and tips on printing please see our blog (located at the bottom of our home page )
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